Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Conference Project

I always need a project to do while watching conference... it's my ADD. I love using a menu to make grocery shopping and mealtimes more pleasant. I have been using a little paper calendar to write out menus for each week. But, sometimes I forget and so I just started saving and re-using them. Then I saw a great menu idea that a friend had posted on her kitchen wall.
Did I mention it was a GREAT idea?

Using scrapbook paper and my computer, I created a two-week menu planner. I printed 42 main dish cards that can be moved around to create the menus. (Extra cards are kept in a ziploc bag.) I also printed a list of possible side dishes and desserts (to keep me from serving green beans and pudding pie every night.) I was impressed that I came up with that many things to cook. One of my cards simply says, "New Recipe" for those times when I just want to try something different.

I thought it turned out pretty cute! Morgan loved it because now she can easily read what is planned for dinner. Scott still calls everyday to ask, "What's for dinner?"

1 comment:

Dawn said...

That is really cute! I will strive to someday be organized like you....