Thursday, June 16, 2011

i LOVE you more today than yesterday

It's hard to believe we have been married for 11 years!
(Click HERE to read about how we met.)

Scott surprised me with flowers. Under that tough cowboy exterior is a sweet, romantic. After our first date, he had roses delivered to me at work. My boss smiled and nodded. He seemed to know before I did that a wedding was on the horizon.

We enjoyed a nice dinner at the Buffalo Point while our children played with wonderful friends. Then we bought ice cream cones and drove around while we talked - something we did when we were dating. Our town isn't very big so we ended up strolling through Walmart and picking up a few necessities. Yep. We are old.

Through it all, our love continues to grow!

1 comment:

Jenni Call said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved reading your story. I have a Grandma Jean too! Twinners.