Sunday, January 11, 2009

{Ahh Christmas!}

My Christmas tree is still up so I decided that it would be okay to share some of our Christmas pictures.

Scott’s family had the tradition of opening a present on Christmas Eve. I have finally given in and we now let the kids choose one of the presents under the tree to open. Santa brings the rest of the gifts after they go to bed.

Scott always has to work on Christmas so we have gotten into the habit of sleeping in and opening presents when we comes home. But not this year! Scott got us up at 6am to open presents before he left. (Except I would not let him wake up Zane.)

Morgan, being the expert, helped Zane with his gifts when he woke up. We tried to save a few so Dad could see him open some but he was on the last one when Scott walked in the door.

We were supposed to go sledding with the neighbors but the storm would not stop. We decided it was more fun to stay indoors and enjoy some of the movies that Santa brought on the new TV that we had to get. (When the TV died I really did not want to replace it but we have too many movies that the kids like.) Later that day, we did brave the wind to go across the street for dinner and games with the neighbors.

Okay, Christmas now has closure. I think I will take my tree down. . . tomorrow.


Rachel Berry said...

Okay Lloyd and I are sitting here reading this post and we have decided that you are turning into your mother!! She still has her tree up as well. :) Ours came down around the 28th or something like that.

We have a tradition of one gift on Christmas eve and the kids know what it is everytime. PJ'S!!

Looks like a great christmas, now go take down that tree!


Unknown said...

I am so glad to finally be blogging and catching up with friends! It feels like I haven't seen you forever with Christmas Break! I can always count on seeing you, picking up the girls from the bus. We need a girls night, or neighbor night, depending on our spouses!