Thursday, November 11, 2010

{First Snow}

The kids were so excited to see snow, finally! Getting ready for school this morning Morgan said, "It's a good thing you set out my boots for me to wear today. You're so smart!" I didn't tell her I watched the weather report last night.

All morning Zane begged me to help him build a snowman. We rounded up boots and hats and mittens and headed out into the wet, drizzle of falling snow. The snow is so wet and heavy so it packed together real well.

The little guy looks so handsome in Grandma's hat and scarf! Zane insisted on a carrot nose and a cookie mouth.

The hardest part about building sand castles in the snow is getting the bucket off with the mittens on.


And the day wouldn't be complete without a few snow angles.

It's just that kind of day!


Sarah's Project said...

My kids would die if they saw all that snow! This is the first time we've every pre-bought ski passes and we don't have any snow yet, sob sob. It's no big deal for me since I don't have to scrape windows, plow the drive way, etc. But they think it stinks!

Dawn said...

-11 degree's here this morning and I am loving the snow. I love the cookie for the snowman's mouth, creative....Tell Zane, nice work.