Monday, November 1, 2010


We had preschool at our house this week and the kids came dressed up on Wednesday. They all looked so cute but it was hard to get them to stand still long enough to snap a picture.

(Not sure what Strawberry Shortcake was saying.)

We learned about the letter "G" and made paper ghosts.

Saturday we went to a fabulous carnival / dinner / Trunk-or-Treat at the church.

There was fun with balloons.

The ever popular cupcake walk.

This is serious stuff. It takes concentration to land on the winning spot.

The costume parade and judging.

We LOVE Trunk-or-Treat!
(I tried to get Zane to wear different shoes but he insisted on the boots.)

I bought the cheerleader costume on clearance last year and Morgan has been eager to try it out. (She told me I am the best Mom ever. Love it when I can make my kids happy.)

Even Dad joined us in the festivities. (The cat face was made by Zane.)

And Zane HAD to take a picture too... beautiful cheerleader, creepy cat, and one scary looking mom.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Lucky for you to get pre-school halloween week. How fun! The all look adorable. My kids were bummed they didn't get to trick or treat this year. Your kids look adorable and Scotts costume rocks. I hope he was able to score some candy as well.