Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On This Date in History...

I wasn't really sure I was in labor. It was still almost 2 weeks before my due date and 2 days earlier the doctor said the baby was not ready. I showered, ate some breakfast, and then called the nurse. She said go get checked at the hospital. No big deal.

I packed a bag, just in case. My little sister didn't have school so I made her come with me. (She wasn't even 14 years old yet so I'm not sure what she could have done, but at least I wasn't alone.) As I drove I would come to a stop sign and have a contraction. Another contraction hit as we came to a red light. By the time I parked the car, in visitor parking, the contractions were coming fast and furious. I had to sit on the stairs that led to the lower parking lot and wait out a contraction. When I got to the admitting desk they said sign here and get into this wheelchair.

My mom barely made it to the hospital before Brittany was born. My sister wished she had school. (She vowed she would never have children.) And Brittany was born in time for lunch.

My little Brit was anxious to see the world!

It's amazing that they enter the world so small and helpless! Then, in what feels like the blink of an eye, they're all grown up and getting married.

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Brittany!
(Thank you for letting me practice my parenting skills on you.)


Jenni Call said...

I love hearing other folk's tales! Glad you made it to the hospital!!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Brittany! You did a great job with your parenting skills. She's a pretty amazing girl, who will someday be a pretty amazing mother herself :-)

BRiTTaNY said...

you rock Mom:) I love you!!! Thanks for everything Ü

Sarah's Project said...

Awww . . . what a great post. Tell Brittany we love her in American Falls too. I'm amazed at how tough you had to be & the fact that she came so fast! We sure luv you guys