Monday, March 26, 2012

The JOY of Work

Several years ago I created a chore chart using magnets. When we moved it got set aside and covered in dust. Recently, I've had discussions with several friends about the importance of chores and teaching kids how to work and I decided it was time to revamp the old chore chart.
It was sad to remove Brittany but she has her own home to clean now. (Although, I wouldn't mind if she came and washed dishes occasionally.)

I re-did all the magnets and covered the bare metal with some cute scrapbook paper. It's not exactly the right shade of blue so I will be recovering it again, I'm sure. (Does it really matter? No. But it makes me feel better when it looks so cute hanging on my kitchen wall.)

I added pictures to make it easier for Zane to know which chore was which.

Morgan & Zane love it! They love to see what needs to be done. And they love to move their magnets when they have completed a task.

"One of parents’ most important responsibilities is to teach their children to work. Even young children can begin to experience the benefits of working when they are involved in household chores and in service to others. Wise parents will work alongside their children, will provide frequent praise, and will make sure no task is overwhelming."
~ Bishop H. David Burton, Dec. 2009

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