Friday, November 9, 2007

Let’s Eat Cake!

Not every teenage girl is content to have a birthday party with a bunch of preschoolers. Especially when it’s her 16th birthday! The neighbor kids were at our house all day. I had them help me decorate a small cake, make birthday cards, and fill Brittany’s bedroom with balloons. The kids could hardly wait to eat the cake. We were playing outside when she came home so she wouldn’t suspect anything. We all ran to greet Brittany and she thought we were just happy to see her. Then one of the children shouted “Let’s eat cake!” The surprise was over. Happy Birthday Brittany! You are so awesome! We love you!

1 comment:

BRiTTaNY said...

i can't believe you used this horrific picture...

luv, YoUr_FaVoRiTe_DaUgHtEr!