Saturday, March 1, 2008

Play Day!

Outside our window, it sounds like a water faucet is running. The snow and frost on the roof begin to melt as the temperature slowly climbs above freezing. The air is as thick as pea soup and we can barely make out the neighbor’s house – not because of blowing snow, today it is fog. While we are grateful the wind is not blowing and it is slowly getting warmer, we are longing for some sunshine. The snow piles are not much fun to play on anymore. They are just dirty and wet. We drive by the park to get to Morgan’s school and she asks if we can stop and play for a minute. So, my friend and I took the kids to an indoor gym in Pocatello. They jumped on trampolines, climbed rock walls, and slid down the giant slide. (Of course, I forgot my camera.) Morgan’s favorite activity was running and jumping into the large pit filled with foam squares. Zane’s favorite was the slide. It was so nice to get out of the house and have some fun!

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