Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What are we going to do to CeLeBraTe?

Friday, Morgan’s teacher taught her class about Martin Luther King, Jr. After school she showed me the little book she made and shared some facts with me. Then she exclaimed, “It’s his Birthday too, Mom!”

Sunday night, as we were getting ready for bed Morgan asked if tomorrow would be a school day. I reminded her that because of Martin Luther King’s birthday there would be no school on Monday. Her eyes lit up as she remembered that important fact and then she asked what we were going to do to celebrate. I was just looking forward to sleeping in and hadn’t thought about a celebration. I quickly told her we would make cupcakes and she could help me decorate them.

All day yesterday Morgan reminded me that we were supposed to make cupcakes. I finally got them baked and for Family Home Evening we frosted cupcakes to celebrate the day.

(You will notice that Scott and Brittany only participated in the eating of the cupcakes.)

On this historical inauguration day it is interesting to look back on the history of this nation. The very spot at our nation’s capital where slaves once stood to be sold, people from all over the country have gathered to witness the swearing in of our first black president. Change is inevitable and some things definitely need to change. I am trying to look forward with hope.


Gwen said...

Ha! Lydia wondered what we did to celebrate the day too. You're a way better mom than me because I just told here the celebration was getting to stay home from school! No fun cupcakes or anything!!!

Hey, did you hear about the "sewing circle" My house, next tuesday, 9am-12am. Brigitte said she would fill you in on the details. Hope you can make it!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! I am very impressed with the celebration! I left my kids and went to Boise at 4 a.m. but I really wanted to sleep in!
We had tons of fun boxing last night! Scott better mind his P's and Q's around you with your wild right swing!