Saturday, September 4, 2010

School Starts August 18th

Welcome to 2nd grade!

We were totally unprepared for school to start this soon! Luckily we have a Wal-Mart near by and were able to get all of the school supplies. Morgan doesn't worry too much about clothes so she was okay to just wear something from her drawer. (And she is okay with shopping online so the new clothes are coming.)

I went into her room to get her up and she says, "I've been wondering when you were going to wake me up." I'm such a slacker! I thought I would let her sleep till 7:00 since I was taking her to school. I'm so glad she was excited to start school after only a month and a half break.

"Can we go now?" She was ready!

Truthfully, I'm glad it was a short break. We didn't do any "school" work this summer and she forgets things so easy. The first week was a struggle but things are starting to come back. As she struggled with her homework one night I told her it was a review of what she learned in first grade and she wasn't even learning anything new yet. She looked at the numbers on her paper and said, "Oh yeah, I already know how to count to 100. Mrs. Glascock taught me that!" Then she quickly finished writing the numbers. Once she knew it was something she had already learned she was ok.

Her biggest fears: Will my teacher be nice and who will be my friend
(Her teacher is nice and she has made lots of friends!)

Her favorite part about 2nd grade: I have my own locker like Brittany did and RECESS, of course.

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